Welcome to Pilla Tax Academy

Learn from Dan Pilla, America's Tax Expert

Free Webinar: Basics of Tax Debt Resolution
(worth 1 Continuing Education Credit)

Join our FREE Webinar and learn the fundamentals of tax debt resolution from Dan Pilla.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and earn continuing education credit.

You will learn:
1) How to handle critical collection notices
2) Fundamentals of penalty abatement
3) Installment agreements basics and possibilities
4) 4 types of offers in compromise

Register for our upcoming FREE Webinar or get notified about the next one HERE

Explore Our Upcoming Live Webinars

In addition to our free sessions, we offer a range of paid live webinars designed to deepen your knowledge and enhance your skills. Each webinar provides comprehensive, in-depth learning opportunities, complete with valuable Continuing Education Credits (CECs) and a certificate of completion.

Extended Learning: Each session offers 2 hours of intensive, focused instruction.
Earn Credits: Gain 2 Continuing Education Credits (CECs) per webinar, contributing to your professional development.
Certification: Receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating your advanced knowledge and commitment to excellence.

Self-Study Courses

Our self-study courses allow you to learn at your own pace. We offer both free and premium courses, providing flexibility to suit your needs.

Free Course: Basics of Tax Debt Resolution
Start learning today with our free recorded course on tax debt resolution. Perfect for those looking to get started in the field.

Premium Courses: Upgrade your knowledge with our comprehensive premium courses. Gain deeper insights and advanced strategies from Dan Pilla.

About the FREE Webinar:
How do I get my credit?
Attend the webinar for the entire hour and verify your attendance. There will be 3-4 polling questions you will need to answer. Simply jot down the answers and email them along with your full name, PTIN (if you have one) to Make sure you give the name you want on the certificate. We will submit your credit information to the IRS CE program if you have a PTIN and email you your certificate for use with other organizations.

Who Is the instructor?
Dan Pilla is the world's foremost authority on the subject and practice of tax resolution. With 40+ years of experience and a competitive spirit, Dan has seen and resolved every kind of tax problem imaginable. He began beating the IRS as an 18-year-old young man, and he's been beating them ever since. Dan is known by many as the "father" of the tax resolution industry... and for good reason. Tax resolution practitioners around the nation have based their methods and practices off the work Dan completed in the early 80s. Nobody stays on top of the IRS and the current tax code like Dan Pilla.

What will I learn?
1) How to handle critical collection notices
2) Fundamentals of penalty abatement
3) Installment agreements basics and possibilities
4) 4 types of offers in compromise

What's the catch?
 catch and no commitment. Attend the FREE webinar... Get your FREE credit. We hope that you'll find enough value in Dan's material to come back to us in the future!